Bee Stings (Part Two): What you need to know about bumblebees

Bumblebee stings Many of you reading this may be fearful of the loud, fuzzy bumblebees that busily fly about during Spring and Summer months. And your fear may well be justified. Bumblebees sting. And unlike honeybees, they do not die when they sting you. Their stinger, a smooth needle with no barbed edges, can easily … Continue reading Bee Stings (Part Two): What you need to know about bumblebees

Bee Stings (Part One): What you need to know about honeybees

Part 1: Honeybees Have you ever been outside and seen a bee and wondered if you are at risk of being stung? Most peoples first reaction is to move quickly away from the bee or to even swat it away. However, have you ever thought if all bees sting? If they die after they sting … Continue reading Bee Stings (Part One): What you need to know about honeybees

Where is the Buzz?

Part 1. Habitat Loss Wild pollinators of the Bombus species (a.k.a. bumblebees) are social insects with major importance to ecosystems and food production through the pollination of wild flowers and crops. It is estimated that 78% of wild flowering plants rely on insect pollination1, and the presence of wild pollinators greatly enhances crop yield compared to commercial … Continue reading Where is the Buzz?