The PhD blues: What they are and how to beat them In light of World Mental Health Day last week, I have put together this blog to talk about the common struggles that many PhD students and graduate students face on a daily basis. Frighteningly, it has been found that 1 in 3 PhD students are more likely to have or develop a common psychiatric … Continue reading The PhD blues: What they are and how to beat them

Bee Stings (Part Two): What you need to know about bumblebees

Bumblebee stings Many of you reading this may be fearful of the loud, fuzzy bumblebees that busily fly about during Spring and Summer months. And your fear may well be justified. Bumblebees sting. And unlike honeybees, they do not die when they sting you. Their stinger, a smooth needle with no barbed edges, can easily … Continue reading Bee Stings (Part Two): What you need to know about bumblebees